International Conference in honour of Professor Stelios Andreou


International Conference in honour of Professor Stelios Andreou
for his contribution to Aegean Archaeology
12-15 December 2019 - Amphitheatre ΙΙ, KE.D.E.A.
School of History and Archaeology Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

In the course of the last decades, progress into our understanding of prehistoric Aegean societies has been spectacular, owing to a multitude of new discoveries, as much as to the re-examination of old finds, the systematic application of scientific techniques, and the discussion of the evidence under new theoretical approaches. The contribution of Professor Stelios Andreou to this exciting trajectory has been significant and multifaceted; his many and insightful studies have focused, initially, on Minoan Crete and, subsequently, on Bronze and Early Iron Age Macedonia. Professor Andreou has brought out the local character of the social trajectories and technological novelties in Bronze Age Macedonia and discussed them thoughtfully under the lens of their relations with the palatial polities of the southern Greek mainland and the long-distance networks of the Balkans and central Europe. Between 1983 and 2016 and throughout the course of his teaching years at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Stelios Andreou introduced a multitude of students ‒ many of whom have become front-line archaeologists ‒ to the principles and methods of archaeological fieldwork and mentored them during their first steps into archaeological research and their academic career in Greece and abroad.

The international conference that will take place at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in 12-15 December 2019 aims at honouring Stelios Andreou for his multifaceted work and outstanding contribution to the study of the prehistoric Aegean. The participants will comprise of his students and senior scholars ‒ colleagues of the honoree and companions during his ventures ‒ from Greece, as well as from Austria, France, Germany, Great Britain, Poland and the United States of America. The topics that will be presented reflect the broad spectrum of the interests of the honoree and will discuss issues tackled in his work. Accordingly, the titles of the individual sessions of the conference have been taken from papers and lectures delivered by Professor Stelios Andreou, either on his own or in collaboration with colleagues. Specifically, the conference will be articulated in the following sessions:

▪ “A life without palaces: settlement, economy and society in the fringe of the Mycenaean world” – Modified title from lecture delivered at the Annual Talk of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens (2008)
Settlement patterns, economy and social organisation at the northern periphery of the Mycenaean world

▪ “Technology transfer at the periphery of the Mycenaean world” – Title from article written together with J. Buxeda i Garrigos, R. E. Jones, V. Kilikoglou, S. T. Levi, Y. Maniatis, J. Mitchell, L. Vagnetti, K. A. Wardle, in Archaeometry 45: 263-284 (2003)
Technologies and their transfer at the northern periphery of the Mycenaean world

▪ “Looking South through a wine glass” - Modified title from n.d. manuscript
South Aegean: the archaeology of the Minoan and Mycenaean world

▪ “Exploring the patterns of power in the Bronze Age Aegean” - Modified title from chapter in Urbanism in the Aegean Bronze Age, ed. K. Branigan. Sheffield Studies in Aegean Archaeology, pp. 160-73. Sheffield (2001)
Political organisation: the forms and agents of power

▪ “Identities in flux: The shifting attitudes towards habitation, the dead and the body in the Greek mainland” - Κeynote lecture delivered in Theory in (Ancient) Greek Archaeology Conference, Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, May 4th-5th, 2012 (2012)
Communities and identities: the living, the dead, and the archaeology of the body

▪ “Prehistoric rural communities in perspective”Title from article written together with K. Kotsakis in Structures rurales et sociétés antiques, eds. N. K. Doukelis, L. Mendoni, Les Belles Letres, pp. 17-26. Paris (1994)
The rural hinterland: settlement patterns and land use

▪ “The landscapes of modern Greek Aegean archaeology”– Chapter in Prehistorians Round the Pont: Reflections on Aegean Prehistory as a Discipline, eds. J. Cherry, D. Margomenou & L. E. Talalay. Kelsey Museum Publication 2, pp. 73-92. Ann Arbor Michigan: Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. The University of Michigan (2005)
Aegean Archaeology: current status, trends and perspectives

▪ “Public Archaeology”
Archaeological research and practice, museums and monuments: their impact on society

The presentations will have a duration of 20 minutes and each session will be followed by a discussion, guided by a group of specialists on the relevant topics. The presentations will be delivered in English or Greek. The publication of the proceedings of the conference, which is scheduled to follow in due course, will be in English.

The organising committee

Dr Sevasti Triantaphyllou
Assistant Professor, School of History and Archaeology,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Dr Kalliopi Efkleidou
Thessaloniki Toumba Excavation Project
Dr Leonidas Vokotopoulos
“Minoan Roadsˮ Research Project
International Conference in honour of Professor Stelios Andreou